Sometimes Sports, Sometimes Sportsmanship
By Jack Furlong Founder/President/CEO Beginning with the 2024-2025 scholastic athletic year, the New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association (NJSIAA), in conjunction with the state’s Department of Education who oversees them, will require all sports officials working high school sporting events to complete a one-time implicit bias course to be eligible to officiate.
The requirement is the result of a memorandum of understanding following an incident in late 2018 when Andrew Johnson, a teenage wrestler from New Jersey, was informed during a high school state tournament by referee Alan Maloney that he would be ineligible to wrestle with his dreadlocks intact. The incident and resulting fallout have gained significant momentum in the public eye for various reasons. For the unattuned, implicit bias (in layman’s terms reflective of this discussion) is the assumption that humans can have subconscious prejudices against certain groups of people which may dictate their actions. The training in question is supposed to serve the purpose of educating people about this fact, which would cause said prejudices to surface from the subconscious and allow evolved thought to attempt to prevent stereotypical bias from occurring in the future. It is important to note that the purpose of this post is not to argue in favor of or against the validity of the science supporting implicit bias. Further, the purpose of this post is not to offer commentary on the Johnson-Maloney incident pertaining directly to the motives of the involved parties and the resulting fallout. Rather, the purpose of this post is to examine two explicit arguments that pertain to the incident that are not being addressed because the loudest voices in society have not reported on them. First, the interpretation and the application of rules of NFHS (National Federation of State High School Associations) wrestling as they applied during the season in question were never dissected by the public in a manner that allows any exposition to show up on the first few pages of an Internet search. High school wrestling rules explain what is legally allowed on the head of a wrestler in terms of hair; at the time, the interpretation of this rule noted that hair should not come down to the length of a normal collared shirt, nor should it have any adornments that could be hard or sharp. A wrestler could wear an approved hair cover or net that was attached to the wrestler’s headgear if the hair was too long. (These rules have since been updated as the landscape of wrestling evolved.) Many high school sports have (or had) similar rules due to safety, an equal playing field, and the desire to avoid any potentially litigious situations. For example, NFHS baseball and softball had jewelry rules that prohibited players from wearing any jewelry unless it was a medical or religious adornment (and those adornments must be taped down to the body and cannot otherwise be a safety issue). These rules were in stark contrast to the rules that governed Major League Baseball, where any jewelry was permitted unless it was found to be a distraction (such as a diamond earring in the ear of a pitcher that would glisten in the sun as a pitch was being delivered). As kids are apt to emulate their idols, student-athletes would wear jewelry on the diamond (no pun intended) that ranged from plastic wristbands to the most expensive gold chains, and umpires were informed they had to be the “bad cop” in these situations. (These rules have since been rescinded and only pertain to whether the jewelry poses a safety risk or contain messages directed negatively towards others.) Regardless of the sport, NFHS rules interpretations (and those further adopted by each state association) would instruct sports officials to enforce these rules. Officials would simply do their job by adhering to the rules prescribed for their sport(s), but the other parties involved (players, coaches, parents, fans, media) would use this as ammunition to criticize the officials. The governing bodies rightly assumed that they were protecting players from dangerous situations while also protecting themselves from the throngs of people with itchy trigger fingers waiting to slap a lawsuit on anything that moves the wrong way. However, they did not foresee these results where an overly sensitive society would react with aggression and vitriol instead of a reasonable request to revisit the subject. One of the biggest evolutions of these interpretations stemmed from the procedure that officials were instructed to use when these situations arose. When an athlete wore something that would classify as a violation of these rules, the common refrain coming from the official would be, “I’m not saying you have to take it out/off, but you can’t play with it in/on.” This was a legally approved way to place the responsibility of making the decision on someone other than the official, protecting officials from cases of bias like the one in question. Officials have been conditioned to apply these blanket statements for years. Prior to most high school athletic contests, officials are required to ask coaches if all participants are “legally and properly equipped and will remain so throughout the duration of the contest.” This covers items ranging from bats and sticks to protective cups, and it legally releases the officials from liability because the coaches have certified that the players will play by the rules. Specific to the state of New Jersey (although it is mirrored in many other states), officials must also read a sportsmanship statement to the teams that states “there will be no tolerance” for any unsporting acts related to “race, gender, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, or religion.” However, consider the method in which interpretations and protocols are relayed to the officials who are to enforce them. If we use Major League Baseball as an example, MLB will directly teach changes and updates to the 76 full-time umpires without any middleman. These umpires (whose livelihood and employment revolve around officiating) have bountiful resources to constantly study and as well as failsafe methods to get the call right (such as being able to call the replay review center for a check of the rules in unique situations). A lack of execution to follow these rules may result in disciplinary actions or umpires not receiving playoff assignments. By contrast, if the NFHS has changes and updates, they must teach it to the states; the states then teach it to the chapters; and the chapters teach it to the officials. (States may also have the option to adopt rules specific to their state, which means that officials must learn both national rules and state rules.) A lack of execution to follow these rules for high school umpires (who do not umpire full-time) holds nowhere near the consequences that professionals hold. If it sounds like a giant game of “telephone” where something could go wrong, that’s because it is. A common rebuttal to the realization that these “middlemen” could create the problem is to eliminate them and require the officials to report directly to the state (or other governing body). The problem is that these officials are not invested in their jobs to the same extent as full-time officials who make their living officiating. The average local high school umpire who is lucky to make $100 per game is more likely to leave the chapter (and the craft of officiating) and find something else to do than to adhere to the changes. Eliminating the unnecessary vessels of information and overhauling the system doesn’t present an advantageous cost/benefit ratio yet when the world is already lacking sports officials in all capacities. This predicament begs the question of determining which is more important: having able bodied humans present to officiate sports (because without officials, it’s just an exhibition or scrimmage) or doing whatever it takes to prevent any potential litigation that stems from a misstep, intended or not? In other words, in the worst-case scenario, would you rather have an official who doesn’t meet expected standards, or would you rather have no official at all? Circling back to the Johnson-Maloney incident, and considering the above thoughts, it is entirely possible (due to the lack of public information) that Maloney’s response to Johnson’s hair was akin to, “I’m not saying you have to cut your hair, but you can’t wrestle with it as is if you don’t have a legal covering.” When asked what would happen if Johnson didn’t wrestle, perhaps Maloney cited the rule that the match would be a forfeit, and perhaps he did it in a way that came across as amateur or crass instead of professional or courteous. It is also entirely possible that Maloney was properly enforcing this interpretation without prejudice, but in doing so, he may have inadvertently highlighted the possibility that every other official assigned to Johnson’s contests throughout the season did not enforce this rule properly for whatever reason. But if that’s the case, then why would all the other officials not enforce this rule on hair length? Does that mean that the wrestling officials in the state of New Jersey are collectively ignoring a rule? Did they unionize and band together to protest injustice? The more likely answer might be one of the following: that the officials simply didn’t know the interpretation; they were taught incorrectly; or the officials didn’t deem the issue to be as egregious as Maloney did. In these state tournaments (where the Johnson-Maloney incident occurred), officials from other chapters within the state are frequently used to ensure balance and fairness and eliminate any potential bias. An official who has never officiated a contest between two schools that season and comes from a different part of the state probably has no bias to see one team defeat another. If it turns out that an entire chapter of officials (a chapter to which Maloney did not belong) were simply unaware of the rule or were incorrectly taught about it, then Maloney was wrongly vilified in a situation where miscommunication is to blame, not bias. Instead of immediately concluding that Maloney is racist, why wasn’t an investigation launched into why it is so difficult to get rules enforced, regardless of whether they are good or bad? Or why wasn’t an investigation launched into what other officials had done at Johnson’s prior matches? Granted, as we may never truly know Maloney’s intentions, we cannot say that these viewpoints are mutually exclusive. Instead, perhaps we are simply noting that countless possibilities and reasonable doubt exist as to what truly occurred, why it occurred the way it did, and what can be controlled in the future. If that’s the case, then punishing Maloney and imposing new training on all officials is a gross overreaction and should be replaced with something more appropriate. (And don’t forget that the most readily available information to the public does not easily provide pertinent information that might be classified as objective; the immediate results of searches for information contain articles and posts, opinionated or not, that either state little or immediately vilify Maloney.) And what of the other people who play the roles in sportsmanship? If this rule was “on the books” and the interpretation was in fact correct, then why is it that the wrestler, the coach, the parents, the fans, and the media had never heard of this prior? At the very least, it is the full responsibility of the coach to know this rule and have his wrestler prepare accordingly. To knowingly ignore this rule is irresponsible, and to not know the rule is ignorant. When the coach affirms that his wrestlers are legally and properly equipped and will remain so throughout the remainder of the contest, he is stating that the wrestlers will adhere to the rule on hair and releasing the officials from liability. In fact, many coaches have weaponized the threat of, “No other official has ever enforced that!” to try to gain an advantage, even though officials have enforced rules in question constantly. To mandate implicit bias training because an official applied a rule in a sport when reasonable doubt pertaining to his motive is evident and that ambiguity and/or inconsistency within the confines of the spirit of a rule may exist seems to be a knee-jerk overreaction that forces conformity and “covers the ass” of governing bodies who wish to avoid litigation. It’s a bandage, not a remedy. The second argument that needs examining is that the demand for officials to take implicit bias training suggests that the NJSIAA (and the powers that oversee them) want to ensure a fair playing field so that no prejudice can affect the outcome of an athletic contest. (It also doubles down on the fact that they don’t want to be sued.) However, prioritizing implicit bias in this manner shows that the state does not prioritize a more common bias: general decency. It is widely (and wrongly) accepted that sports officials are the common enemy among all parties. The stereotype implies that they are to be equally despised by all competitors, coaches, parents, fans, and media members, regardless of rooting interest or affiliation. (Just look to social media during televised games to watch the names of the officials start to trend when calls don’t favor one team or appear to be consistently incorrect in the eyes of the unattuned.) This attitude manifests itself in arguments and other conflicts that create bias, yet has nothing to do with race, gender, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, or religion. In other words, how many times does an official have to be berated by a coach or a fanbase before the official thinks, “I don’t want to do this anymore?” Amateur officials go into contests all the time with implicit biases because of this treatment. It is a psychological defense mechanism that warns of potential danger. The little voice in the mind of the official is whispering, “Last time you were here, the coach treated you like garbage. Be careful.” But rather than seek to educate players, coaches, parents, fans, and the media on this, the NJSIAA and the State of New Jersey has chosen to prioritize other biases. It’s like they’re saying the officials don’t matter. Once again, this is learned behavior that emanates from watching idols. When a Major League Baseball manager gets ejected and gets nose-to-nose with an umpire while seething with heated anger (think the late Earl Weaver of the Baltimore Orioles), it sends a message that this petulant behavior is accepted and expected. No thought is given as to whether normal mature commoners should act this way; it becomes part of the rote cycle that dictates human behavior. In most cases at the professional level, officials and coaches are taught to put those situations behind them after the game and start anew the next day. No apologies are warranted, even if the coach, after being ejected, calls the umpire the dirtiest and most insulting names known to man. The next time they see each other, it’s like it never even happened. Except for one thing: that’s not normal. What healthy relationship thrives when the parties continue to skirt an issue? Instead, those relationships deteriorate and can result in situations that were avoidable if vulnerable communication was used. The same applies to the humans who officiate when others treat them so poorly. It’s no wonder that the number of sports officials in the world is exponentially decreasing: they’re finally realizing they don’t have to be treated in a particular way and remove themselves from those bad situations and relationships. However, the NJSIAA has determined that keeping lawsuits to a minimum is more important than preserving the number of sports officials actively working. Mandating implicit bias training has the potential to drive more officials away, especially when the average age of these officials is quite old and correlates to people of a different time and generation who may disagree with the tenets of implicit bias. That’s not an endorsement of anything: it’s just reality. There’s an old saying in officiating: “Do what’s right, not what’s easy.” Officials are keepers of the flame, charged with the mission of upholding the rules that govern their contests. They will undoubtedly face conflict when disagreements or unfavorable judgments occur. They wage moral battles big and small when faced with making the correct call even though it may cause outrage worthy of coverage on the evening news. They are vilified in the same way that martyrs are: think of how unpopular Jesus, Ghandi, and Jackie Robinson were when they were on the scene. But Jesus, Ghandi, and Jackie Robinson are lauded, whereas sports officials are on the receiving end of prejudice. Maybe the world needs implicit bias training to learn about the proper way to treat officials.
November 2024